What Is Biblical Womanhood?

The one thing that should be avoided when discussing biblical womanhood, is confusing culture with Scripture. Although some cultures have structurally placed the woman below the man, Scripture has not. According to Scripture, a man and a woman simply fulfill different roles (Ephesians 5:22-27). This allocation of roles is what many women struggle with, because the role of a woman can be deemed inferior to that of a man. However, this is not the case! God didn’t just create the man, He created the woman too. We fulfill complementary roles in service to each other. A man alone cannot survive and a woman alone cannot survive; since procreation requires one another. This is the simplest example of the way God created men and women as an essential addition to the other.

Although the world we live in today is so much different from that in the bible, we must still resist the ungodly influences around us. Godliness can only manifest itself in our lives when we tame our desires by practicing self-control. The Godly woman controls her emotions, thoughts and words (James 1:19). We can learn how to live Godly lives by studying women in the Bible. Biblical womanhood doesn’t paint the picture of a wife who just sits around the house and obeys her husband without a second thought. Every woman in the Bible had something that set her apart from others. Sarah was the mother of many nations, Ruth was the embodiment of a humble woman, Jael was a warrior, Priscilla was a mentor, Hannah was faithful and persistent, Esther was brave and courageous, Jehosheba was an instinctive mother, Deborah was a Prophet and judge to Israel, Miriam was remarkably intelligent, and the list can go on and on. What we learn here is that Biblical womanhood isn’t a particular trait, it is your relationship with God. All these women would have been nowhere were it not for their reverence and obedience to the Lord.proverbs-31-verse-30When we open our Bibles to Proverbs 31, the chapter teaches another thing about Biblical womanhood. It clearly shows us that the role of a good wife and mother is not a woman’s only purpose. A true Biblical woman can have a career, speak up to others, present herself strong and make her mark on the world; but she does so with dignity and respect. What many people fail to see, is that a Biblical womanhood entails so much more than obedience to a man. Should you let your husband lead? Most definitely. Does that mean you cannot voice your opinion and life your own life? Absolutely not. You can be a strong independent woman and be a faithfully submitted wife too. Whilst a Godly woman may fulfil the role of a wife or mother, that is not her one purpose. Her highest calling is fear of and obedience to the Lord. But before you can truly become a woman of God, you need to become a daughter of God by being born again (John 3:3). This happens when you develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, which in turn opens the gates for the works of the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit is at work within you, your enemies will be in big trouble!

When we allow the Holy Spirit to control us, God blesses us with His gifts and we can accomplish far more than we ever could by ourselves. God has created every woman with her own purpose, but she can only discover this when she has a strong relationship with her Maker. James was very clear in his teaching when he said: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22, NIV) When a woman studies the Bible, prays continuously, and seeks to live as closely to God as humanly possible, she will unlock her true purpose as a woman on this world.

God bless,
Sipporra TC
Founder of The Purpose Wife

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